How Could the Automotive Chip Shortage Affect Me?

Advanced Electric Care Affected by the Chip Shortage

The pandemic slowed down the U.S. economy considerably. Over the last year, shutdowns and quarantines strained car manufacturers and their supply chains. However, as the economy began to improve, the automotive industry began to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Americans wanted to buy new cars again. While this was initially a… Read More

Preparing Your Vehicle for the Summer

photo of mercedes benz store-front

Summer has kicked off – for many, this means lazy days on the beach, cold ice cream on the boardwalk and spending time with friends and family. But summer takes a toll, especially on your vehicle. Between heat, dust, stop-and-go traffic and lingering effects from winter, your vehicle may be at risk of a breakdown…. Read More

What is the cost of maintaining a Mercedes Benz?

The cost of maintaining a Mercedes Benz or any other high-performance vehicle varies significantly based on the age, condition, and specific model. There is no question that a high performance Mercedes V12 or Mercedes V8 AMG engine requires a higher level of maintenance than a six cylinder that ist used in most C and E… Read More

Six Vehicle Service Issues That Are Commonly Overlooked

Mechanic Reviews Service Checklist

Car experts agree that the best way to maintain your car and prolong its life is by following the manufacturer’s recommended service schedule. Unfortunately, some car owners fail to have their car regularly serviced due to life getting in the way. They often cannot afford to be without their car for a few days. Instead,… Read More

Top 5 Common BMW Problems and Repairs

Many people are under the impression that BMWs lack reliability, however, this simply isn’t true. In fact, there are scores of people who will not buy anything else after they have owned a BMW. The main issue in most BMWs that lack reliability is that the owner does not properly maintain it. Just like other… Read More